Thursday, February 17, 2011

Firefly asks: Is there life after a medical career and what is a domestic goddess?

     Fireflygirl777 has a plan.  The plan includes a long road, a walking stick, a bottle of water and a cell phone.  The cell phone is the only piece of technology allowed on this trek, and is for safety reasons only. The items are taken on a two mile walk each day.  Stunned at being out of the job market, she calculates her options.  Options are: Expand arts and crafts business on Etsy and try to sell through local shops, expand role as Domestic Goddess and redefine what that means and what it does not mean, and last but not least, try to "go green" or at least a little greener!

     Dimly recalled were years of hanging out clothes on a clothesline- could almlost conjure up the smell of freshly washed clothes and linens.  The internet was searched for a starting point for getting the world's BEST clothesline.  The search seemed endless...then happened on Amazon and Breezedryer, a product produced back when...well, back far enough that most of you cannot remember..Having reviewed the item for what seemed like a month, finally it was ordered and installed.  Fabulous is not a good enough word for it!  Talk about cutting electricity costs!  The item has been used in Australia, New Zealand and Europe for over 50 years. 
     Asked if my friends and neighbors would be jealous and responded,"If they are not, they SHOULD be!"  It is a great starting point for going green.  I will get some of my own pics on here soon to show you the little party I had with my bear and my new SOLAR DRYER.

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