"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Ghandi)
One change that I would like to see in the world is a real respect for the creatures of the world, and that people would feel more connected to them. Because of being more connected, they would stop destroying all of the natural habitats and polluting the water and air!
A falcon pair that lives in our area follows my husband and tries to communicate with him with vocalizations and raising and lowering of the foot...I was somewhat jealous of this, but my husband deserves the attention as he changes the water in the bird back every day and leaves them food, etc.
The other day, just after starting out on my walk, I saw a large winged shadow on the ground, looked up, and there was a falcon following me! It circled a few times, then landed in a nearby tree. He or she said "Ki, ki, ki" a few times and continued watching me. I replied, "Ki, ki, ki" to him or her, and told it that he or she is quite beautiful....I continued on my walk, but felt much joy knowing that new I may be accepted, too.
Sometimes we believe it is only important to be accepted by other humans. I believe it is also very special to be accepted by local wildlife. They were here first!
I hope you are well and happy today!
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